Mié. Mar 12th, 2025

Llei Anti-SLAPP: Avanç per l’Expressió Lliure

The international law participant of the «Barcelona Meetings – Memorial Jacques Henry 2025», organized by the Bar Association of Barcelona (ICAB), has considered that the Anti-SLAPP Directive represents «an important advance to consolidate the protection of free expression and public participation in the European Union.

The Council of the ICAB and responsible for the International Relations Commission, Rosa Isabel Peña, and the president of the Fédération des Barreaux d’Uro Europe (FBE), Marc Labbé, opened this Saturday at the 2025 edition of this meeting of this Meeting, the ICAB reported in a statement.

Representatives of all defense associations in the world have participated in this international meeting, with the aim of analyzing the anti-SLAPP Directive, the protection of the right to information, transparency, and human rights, as well as its implementation by EU Member States.

The analysis of the anti-SLAPP Directive has also indicated that this allows defending the rights of journalists subjected to lawsuits or legal proceedings brought by individuals, pressure groups, corporations, or state agencies «that seek to intimidate them, silence them and censor them through long and costly legal processes.

The event featured interventions by the member of the Association of Lawyers of Vaudois (Switzerland), head of Philippe Vladimir; the member of the Bar Association of Warsaw (Poland), Agnieszka Calka, and the president of the Committee on Access to Law and Justice, the National Council of the Bar of France (CNB) and expert in French in the Law and Justice Committee of the CCBE, Anne-Sophie Lepinard, among others.


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