Lun. Mar 17th, 2025

No ens mereixem un servei global tercer.

Martorell (Barcelona), 16 (Europa Press)

El president d’ERC, Oriol Junqueras, has demanded a dignified Rodalies service for Catalonia, allowing workers, students, and patients to arrive on time for their work, universities, and medical appointments, stating: «We do not deserve a third world service,» he said.

He made this statement in his speech at the shell of the 30th Congress of ERC in Martorell (Barcelona), where political, strategic, and legal work was approved, and he announced the report acknowledging the existence of structure «B» between 2019 and 2023, naming the deputy secretaries of communication responsible for the party during this period, including Sargi Sabriu and Marc Colomer.

He also called for a fair financing model, stating that «the fairest is that of an independent state,» and emphasized that Catalonia needs a framework of Catalan labor relations and a minimum wage built in conjunction with the world of work.

(There will be an extension)


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